
reflections about branding & packaging

Grow your brand with great branding.


Often, we have a product or business that needs to be superb and believe we need a designer to help us out. We think," I need a logo, a label for my product"...

So, when we ask for just a logotype design, you are plainly asking for a graphic representation for the name of your product or company. The designer can have a nice idea of representing your business with a nice logo, Or when we ask for label or packaging design, we may think, "I just need to dress up my pack to be out in the market and somehow be related to my brand".

But does it truly mean this logo or packaging design will get us where we want? Not necessarily.

Branding VS logotype

Logotype design and branding are often confused as being the same. But logotype is just a representation of the brand. When we designers create a brand, we consider business' values and equities that will be transmitted to your target market and also those not in your market range. So, a well-executed brand needs:

  1. Purpose: the reason to be and how it is changing the world

  2. Positioning: the place you occupied in the consumers' minds:

  • who is it for and what are the consumer's needs – customer description and their objective issue-,

  • your point of difference as a business and of your product

  • whom we do not resemble

  • why you can deliver your promise (3 key messages)

  1. Personality: how does your brand present itself, how does it speak and interact with the consumer, and how does it makes him feel


Now we can understand the difference between a nicely executed logo design and a powerful thought-out strategy with more grounds for your business: a brand.

All this brings effectiveness! We can offer a well-executed logotype that represents your business or product and is embedded with your business values, equities, positioning and personality. Like we said before, it is not just about a nice look and feel.

“El Balthazar Food Truck” brand identity. See the project here

Storytelling is the key for good branding

Telling a story based on your business, that is how we create good branding. So, when you are thinking about having a logo, or packaging design for your product, you may want to think about the purpose, promise and positioning first. That will give you the grounds to create a good branding, which will have an impact on the market. And, above all, a story to tell. In the end, we all have something to say. Brands and consumers have a constant conversation about their needs and their offers.


So, here we have 7 steps/fundamentals to create a successful branding for your business:

  1. Be in the world to change the status quo

The market is big, flooded with lots of brands and products, all of them offering something to the world, to consumers. So, there must be something you offer to this world that others don't or that may differ from other brands. Therefore, you can change the rules of engagement. Your offer can be different or even better, but it must always be authentic. If you can safely offer that, your brand or product will always last longer!

2. Promise reality, not illusions

We have heard so many times the term "brand promise". It sounds like big words, but in the end, it is just about what you can offer, your promise of what the consumer will get after consuming your product. It is better to offer something related to the main ideas of the consumer than grand eloquent fantasies that will never become true. We may think people like to follow ideals, yes, but when it comes to products, they prefer more grounded offers that solve their realistic needs and wants.

3. Be different or similar, but always be better

Of course, you need to see what other players are doing in your market niche, and how they are playing. See what they are offering, and if your product or brand offers differs from theirs. Or it may be the same. If that's the case, there is always a way to differentiate your brand by making it better. It may be about offering the same but with a different message, or another attitude, or a contrasting method. The point is to make your brand authentic, because if it is authentic, it will stand out.

 4. Fine-tune your message and know your audience.

Your brand speaks, and it does so to an audience. And nowadays, people talk back via social media as well as word of mouth. So, it is really important that you know who you are talking to, who is your main audience. If your message is not fine-tuned, not targeted, no one will relate to it and thus, they not talk back, simply because they don't feel approached. So, always know what to say and whom.

 5. Be you, be authentic

We have heard that phrase apply to us while growing up. It is all about personality, who we are, what makes us us. Well, it's no different with brands. They learn, they evolve, and they are shaped. But for it to happen, its personality has to be linked to the business' true nature, its purpose. Otherwise, the personality built from it will only be a façade, and nobody will believe in it. So, let your brand be itself, be authentic; this way it will connect with consumers.

6. Tell a story

All brands have something to say about themselves and the company or product they represent. Consumers are expecting that message to be innovative, genuine and fascinating. In order to create a dialogue between both parties, there has to be a story, a narrative that will catch consumers by surprise, and help them relate to your brand. Thus customers will be eager to know more about it, to see how that story develops and how it can improve their needs and wants. This will be great for your business, a story good enough that will allow your brand to exist, to endure, but above all, to expand. What better could happen than expanding your brand?

7. And then, look gorgeous!

Nowadays, everyone is trying to look good by taking care of themselves and presenting themselves with the latest and most exciting trends. So, why should brands not do the same? They need to shine, stand out, be attractive, and catch the customers' attention. So, they have to be brilliantly executed so that they look good. Yet, the appearance of your brand has to reflect not only what's inside but also its meaning and purpose. But don't worry; if you have been paying attention to your messages, your brand's purpose will be detectable in your brand design.

Have a project to discuss?

From brand creation to brand extension, from packaging design to point of sale communication. Whether you are thinking to launch a new brand or redesigning your existing one, I am here to help you in that journey. Get in touch.

I am looking forward to listening, learning and working together to get your brand where you dream of.